We are back for Episode 96 with all of our deeply literate, funny, and incisive shenanigans. But, of course, we are also maddening, outrageous, cranky, and provocative when we talk about crazy old racists, hologram ghosts, and being a better grandchild that lies about sex. Jon sends us part IV in the epic fanfiction monstrosity of “The Belvedere and the Butterfly”
We clutch or cool chains in the “Larger Locks Literary Lounge” for further discussions on the state of literature and we play Miss Marple at the behest of the Evil Horde!
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PO BOX 721841
Newport, KY 41072-1841
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It’s where all the cohort swarms are free to mingle without judgement!
"Maybe" Alex is right, "Why should I learn about anything that happened before now?", A deep bag of uncooked rice, Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter... Really?, Alex's Grandmother's facebook status is "Peter Lawford is still dead", Always be prepared: Floss pick and wisps, Always have an amulet or token to protect you, Being a better grandchild, Best non-sex feelings, Big Fish, Black Swarm Gang Day at Disneyland, blatant racism, Bounds of Reason, Cabin in the Woods, Charles in Charge, Christmas Creep, Cinema, Conan, Cool Chain, cranky, Crush your enemies. See them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women, Deeply literate funny and incisive writers, Digi-Brad, Doug Benson: Not an authority on literature... at all, Email!, FanFiction, Feeling normal is as great as sex, Fuck you Prestiege Delivery, George Zimmerman, Get on the chain - Cool chain - Get a chain - Ramjack, Get on the chain!, Going Postal!, Hey Librarian THIS AIN'T OVER!, History is not boring, Holo-Teddy with Holo-Kermit and Holo-Trigueiro, Hologram Ghosts, Hordak, Hunger Games, I hate rainy days when I get all racist, I just want to lower a cool chain into my hand, IQ tests are nonsense, IWSB's, Jessie Jackson, John Derbyshire is a fucking psychotic racist, Kids love sex, Listner Feedback, Maddening, Maddening outrageous cranky and provocative writers, mail, Maybe try drugs?, Morgan Freeman, Mr. Belvedere, Mystery Minute, NES, Never trust a woman named Evil, New Initiatives!, Newspapers, Oh Gladys! Cedarak: Evil Master of Safety, Oh I guess we forgot about the Snake-Men... The Ramjack Freedom Militia / Empire would soooo kick their ass, Old Derb, Olds are mad racist, outrageous, People need to learn the difference between good and bad, Political Correctness Gone Wild!, Racist News: Colored or Negro = Antiquated, Raise your Expectations, Ramjack Letter Writing Initiative, Read Better Books, Safe not sorry, Saved by the Bell, sexting, Shadow Weaver is useless, Skeletor's guys need better branding, Snoop Doggy Dog draws a swarm, Soup Eating Video Games, Stephen King is the worst, Stop reading shitty books, Swarms, Take care of your dentals!, Teddy Roosevelt, Teen Boys are better liars, Teenage angst and overvaluing emotional tediousness is not a valid concern for literature or extended thought, THE Abraham Lincoln book, The Belvedere and the Butterfly, The cancer can't eat Derb quick enough, The Lawnmower Man, The National Socialist Freedom Militia, The Ottoman Freedom Militia, The Roman Freedom Militia, The Talk, The Watermellon King, Three Stooges, Trayvon Martin, Tuesdays with Morrie, Wacky makebelief numbers, Warhorse OR Borehorse, Wrapping a chain around a fucking librarian's lying throat, You should expect more, You're doing it wrong