A Podcast for Heroes and Bravehearts

// >> March 2021

Episode 508 – Odd Whispers: The Legends of Ramjack
| 29. March, 2021

Yes, people are still “Ticked Off!” including the people that were getting vaccinated with Alex. Pepsi is going big on mango in what is sure to be a wild failure. We discuss a shockingly entertaining four hour super hero film and a dismally boring 49 minutes of Falcon applying for a loan whilst infecting people with food poisoning.

Email: ramjackpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where we have all had a fish sandwich before.

Listen to Episode 508 – 01:26:36


Episode 507 – Festival of the Chronographer’s Downfall: Ramjack the Voluminous
| 23. March, 2021

Grab your favorite hot soda and enjoy this latest episode. Finally, we understand that Alex’s racially insensitive remarks were the result of his microphone being on whilst being diabetic. Space scrappers vs The FBI was sadly not a hit. Brad’s algorithms are once again very specific and very wrong. We check back in on old people twitter AKA “Ticked Off!”

Email: ramjackpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

Join the Facebook Group!
Where we’re all buying the house.

Listen to Episode 507 – 01:21:20


Episode 506 – Noble Blood of the Ramjack Ritual Sacrifice
| 18. March, 2021

We discuss a dog cult founded on spite, lies about Monopoly studies, and Florida’s ambitious new plan for debt forgiveness. “Murder among the Mormons” is a super bonkers documentary. A lot of people are visiting malls and restaurants which leads podcast hosts to being TICKED OFF!

Email: ramjackpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where we’re all Ticked Off!.

Listen to Episode 506 – 01:40:20


Episode 505 – Undignified Solicitors of the Ramjack Empire
| 8. March, 2021

Gatorade has designed a product to tell you when you should buy Gatorade and how much. We check in with some local newspapers to find out who’s ticked off and help some Mormons with their Mexican food and solve a real werewolf mystery.

Email: ramjackpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

Join the Facebook Group!
Where we’re grabbing our hammer, nails, and card catalogs.

Listen to Episode 505 – 01:31:36


Episode 504 – Dungeons of Ramjack: The Inescapable
| 2. March, 2021

Ladies and Gentlemen, we very well might have uncovered the most idiotic thing on the internet and nothing will ever be the same. Also, Biden’s opening child concentration camps and not sending $2000 checks.

Email: ramjackpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

Join the Facebook Group!
Where we’re grabbing our hammer, nails, and card catalogs.

Listen to Episode 504 – 01:24:41


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