Lance Bass Catfishing requires people to remember who the fuck Lance Bass is. Jerk psychics are asking inappropriate questions at city hall/the sight of a terrible drowning. “Star” of Ancient Aliens and physicist –theoretically, Michio Kaku, is at it again. Also more Ticked Off!
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Where we have no time for lala’s.
Alex is very interested in measuring electricity via donut. Brad is very excited about his soon-to-be step royal grandchildren. We help some Mormons who are having some real “deep” thoughts about Physics and the morality of other people’s iced coffee. Also “Ticked Off” remains amazing.
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Where we don’t spend too much time thinking about things that we in no way have any thoughts about.
Alex is spreading the story of Jesus and time traveling rabbits. Brad has watched the HBO QAnon documentary “Q: Into the Storm” and a lot of people are Ticked Off at some real losers.
Email: [email protected]
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Where we all respect the great and masterful works of Bill Gates.