He is risen… And by he, we mean Charles in Charge. There’s breaking cat attack invasion news. Meanwhile, Jonathon and The Ramjack Cook-Em-Ups are going toe-to-toe with Iron Chef in an epic battle to control the kitchen: Who will get the Cinnamon? Alex informs us of the upcoming summer camp sally shenanigans. Brad engages in changing room chicanery. Plus a lot of frightening 5&2 musical stylings… including some with an arbitrary jazz riff.
Make a faux of sacrifice yourself by entering our amazing giveaway contest!
We give the box office rundown on Arthur, Hanna, Rango, Your Highness, and the horrifically sexist piece of crap “Sucker Punch”. Jonathon introduces us to a Super Creepo-Asleepo-Jeezo… it makes us weep-o.
The stray river cat invasion of 2011 continues and this time it’s personal. We also take a few minutes to examine some amazing advice from Cosmopolitan which gives us a panic attack.
And the amazing giveaway contest continues!
Behold: It’s the game-a-palooza episode of fun!
Part One of Two… So many games so little time! Join us as we tackle code game shenanigans, Deal with the tomfooleries of Sassy, Brassy, & Classy whilst controlling our duplicitous natures and finding ourselves in epic film pitch sessions with drug addled movie producers.
Don’t miss your chance to get caught up in an amazing giveaway contest.