Behold the majesty of Captain Bee! We are informed by a social conservative elephant that underage dating is a much bigger problem than we ever realized and it turns out plants have their own internet. Belvedere introduces us to Lame Wendy 2.0 The Return and our princess is in another castle. Meanwhile the Saved by the Bell: The College Years crew continue to practice medicine on the coma ward without licenses.
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Where the your coma will never be treated by a college freshman.
In this Game-Changer Episode we talk animal facts about Bees and the wacky antics going on at Chinese Zoos Alex forces Brad to watch HBO’s “Girls” (because he’s a bad friend). Heather goes up against Savvy Angela in a battle for hearts and minds whilst an Auction puts Belvedere in a straight up “Misery” situation. In a high pressure illegal rave bust Grand Moff Tarkin schemes against the kids on Saved by the Bell: The College Years.
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Where the NO flows strong with the force.
Oh no, Jon has PPS and now expects Alex and Brad to raise his unholy progeny. Sports Facts are dealt out as we say farewell to March Maddness. The CosmoGirl Quiz let’s us know if we’re ready for romance and we get updated on the murder schemes of 1893. Mr. Belvedere gives us the questionable star-studded almost divorce episode that we knew was inevitable and Saved by the Bell The College Years gets restraining order creepy.
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Where your puppies are your problem.