In this episode of we check out some rad marshmallow technology, get an update on some bleak dramz that hopefully isn’t too depressing (and ends at the 1:21:30 if you want to skip ahead) Mr. Belvedere finally shows us George starting his wacky news job and Saved by the Bell the College Years begins winding down with an inappropriately slapstick laden episode chockablock full of people losing their goddamn minds.
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20/20, Alexander Green, Atheist, awful parenting, Barbara Walters, Blaming Obama vs actually treating your patients, Bleak, boldness always, Brad Cupples, Campfire MallowBursts, Climbing a building is not 'wildly reckless risky behavior', Crazy People, Does makeup increase with age?, Dramz, Fake Meteorologists, Filthy Feral Children, Final Three, Flavored Marshmallows, Food Stamps, Game Changers, George looks ridiculous, George Owens, Getting lost in Star Wars metaphors, Grand Moff Tarkin, Heather might be that kind of girl, Hiding from Mr. Stewart, Hospital Owners/Drill Sargent/Multiple Assassination Victim, Hot Pies, Hugh Downs, John Stossel, Lasky Lapses are what ruined the Empire, Life and Death, Lime, Local News, MallowBites, Mama, Manzies Zack is the worst dude, Marshmallow Racketeering, Mike "Wall of Psychology" Rogers, Mr. Belvedere, Multiple Showers per day people, New uses for coax cable, Newest way to watch horror movies for maximum horror, Peer Pressure. Peer Pressure. You don't have to follow their lead!, Plastic Surgery, Proper footwear cannot be underestimated, Pyramid cake technology, Ramjack Locals, Ramjack with Alex and Brad and Henry and Alex-2, Real Talk, Risky low height belaying, Saved by the Bell The College Years, Skeptic, Sky Diving, Skydiving, Slater has been completely shielded from death, That's not a Harley, The first time Zack dresses like a human in many many episodes, The very edge of tomorrow, TV George, Two Guys a Girl and a Pizza Place, Unnecessary Slapstick, What has George been doing for the past five months? Primetime, Why are these fools running onto the set?, Why is a professor going to a students dorm?, Worst Therapist Ever?, Zack emotionally blackmails Kelly