Mars-Wrigley wants you to quiet your mind mouth at the battle-box. Meanwhile, Perfetti Van Melle is age restricting their lollipops. T and T 2×15 “Jump Start” sees the return of our favorite immortal and watcher duo, Nobby and Fritz.
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Where we would try the Ethel Mertz Chocolates but not the look-o-looks.
The heat index in Florida is 110, therefore it is currently too hot for Acapulco Heat, but despite the efforts of weather we will present a ludicrously self-indulgent episode detailing wild travel adventures.
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Where we have learned you have a right to take arrest selfies.
Alex reports in on Libertarians who have a bold to new plan to keep everything EXACTLY the same. Some people are TICKED OFF! about lack of etiquette or some such nonsense. 2×14 “The Contender” has Mr. T training a boxer and also running down an old in his car. We have a lot of questions about child fighters.
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Where we all love when people do impressions to political figures.