Oh snap! It’s a super special episode for you and other humans! People are sharing shitty secrets and we do not know why. Things get incredibly heated in the Ramjack Larger Locks Literary Lounge™ as we talk about the ineptitude of George Washington and lying bitches that pretend to read books but are clearly incompetent with uselessly fragile egos. Luckily Alirio drops by to cool things down as we discuss his birthday pick “Phantom of the Paradise” and learn all about skylight voyeurism and devil contracts from our pal Birdman Winslow.
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Admit that you don't know shit, Alex tries to make excuses for a lying cunt, Alexander Green, Alf-yo, Alirio Ferreira, Anvils falling from the sky, Arabian Nights, Assassin's Creed, Atlas Shrugged, Battle For Planet of the Apes, Beef: Tale of a Hometown Hero, Benedict Arnold, Birdman Winslow, birthday pick, Books, Brad Cupples, Charles Dickens is not dated, children are humans, CosmoGirl Quiz, Cowboys + Pill = the 70's, Creepo Poems, Dalek of the Paradise, Darth Vader Tech, Don Quixote, Don't argue about tone argue about content, Don't lie about things you read, Dorito Taco, Educated Guesses require education, Fuck that lying bitch librarian, Gaspa, George Washington, Grow the fuck up, Have you got a ticket?, Hercules: Awesome Chef / Badass Escaped Slave, Hey... it was the 70s, hoarders, Hordak, I don't give a fuck about people's egos, I will destroy her, Ikea Pillowcases are bastards, IQ tests are nonsense, Lafayette, Larger Locks Literary Lounge, Le Morte D'Arthur, Learn things, Library Tales, Look shit up dumbasses, Lying Assholes that are paranoid about their goddamn fragile ego, Lying Bitch Librarians, Mockery is a completly justifiable tool, Native Son, No Snake faces in Cincy, Ona Judge: Badass Escaped Slave, Paul Williams, PauseCast, Peggy Shippen Arnold, People that buy abriged editions should be burnt at the stake, Phoenix or Juno?, plunger on face panic attack, PotentialCast, Rage, Razor sharp raven heads, Record Press Accidents, RedemptionCast, Rick Santorum is a Bigot, Ron Chernow, Saint Patrick's Day, secrets, Sexy Spy Getaway Antics, Shamrock Shake, Sheltering Children from reality, Slavery is the worst, SSX, STOP BEING THE WORST, Stop living for other people, Stop reading shitty books, Stop the panty dropping for awkwardly tall toothless deaf sociopaths, Super Villain Paul Williams, Swan, Temporary Female Hysteria, The Power of One, ultimate panic attack, Virgil the Science Ape, Waking up nowhere because you aren't needed, Waking up on the Moon, Washington: A Life by Ron Chernow, Westpoint Shenanigans, What is your secret, White people love pills, Winslow: Chump of the World, You're not Irish you're an asshole, Young Adult Literature is fucking bullshit
Hey guys…
Loved the PotP story… Re Winslow’s loss of voice….it was the Record press. Remember, he DID scream “NEVER!” when he heard, “The Juicy Fruits singing Swan’s Faust.” on the radio. I’m from Winnipeg and was a proud part of PhantomPalooza 2005-2006 where I got to meet and hug ‘Bird man’ Winslow Leach…(William Finley) and have BOTH books of Goethe’s FAUST autographed.
Remember also…Winslow had scattered records all over the place, which he slipped on and fell back. Oh……and the record press wasn’t actually a Record press. It was a toy moulding machine prepped up to look like a record press, BUT….you’re right, that the brace or….whatever was supposed to keep the ends from coming together broke, and one of the stage grips got William Finley out in time.
Interesting point….. Rod Serling of Twilight Zone was the opening scene narrator. Good point about Winslow and Beef being able to get along…under NORMAL circumstances, but Winslow is ROYALLY FURIOUS after nearly being suffocated in a bricked-in studio!!! Wouldn’t YOU be ticked if you were left to die by someone you trusted…again!
As far as Phoenix….she’s Winslow’s Christine (a la Phantom of the Opera.) The Faust part comes in via the contract with Swan and Winslow. The Swan suicide scene is the DORIAN GRAY aspect.
Okay…if you were watching the woman you loved making out with paul williams, wouldn’t you attempt suicide, too? As well, Swan attempts to kill phoenix in a game of one-upmanship with Winslow, if that will help. Thanks for the hilarious look at a longtime fave movie!
If you’re into PotP stuff…I have an online book project on the above mentioned site. It’s called, (no surprises here) Phantom of the Paradise, a Retrospective).
In so far as the book issue. I would know within five pages, possible ten but no more than that, if I wanted to continue reading. And if I could wake up ANYWHERE besides my bed…..Heaven.