Thirteen years strong in this casual episode we learn to make a pizza from the finest of pizza crusts and spices. We meet some salamander ladies that know how to party. Our favorite lying crypto Mayor is faced with another failure.
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Where 99 year olds with debt is in no way a feel good story.
Pop the Champagne, it’s a very special episode. Some very weird tales of weird people doing some really really weird shit. It’s weird. Also, we discuss the latest Fringe antics and very questionable Roman home tech.
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Where we are still surprised by the absolute weirdness of this whole situation.
It is impossible to enjoy conversations with strangers despite what this fake study says. What does Konshu think of the Mexican Pizza? We discuss T and T 1×21 – “Private Eyes” has Mr. T teaming up with Captain Bennet from Commando to find a kid forced to hideout from the mob because of his garbage father.
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Where we are proud to be editors-in-chief of The Trash Town Eclipse.