Happy Holidayzz friends. Join us as we do not review the Secretary Mayor Pete Doc. Was Supergirl written by Alex Jones as a PsyOp? The Dune movie really captures the fact that the book is largely about describing floating lamps and knives. T&T 1×12 “Killing Time” is weirdly dark and possible includes Mr. T murdering a guy. But it has some really solid camel statues.
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Where we all support cookie time.
Do you have elves in your family tree? What about Trolls? What about beloved comic book character Pip the Troll? Who wins in a fight between psychics and puppets? Do Hallmark movies Tick You Off? We have many questions and possibly some answers within.
Email: ramjackpodcast@gmail.com
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Where we all love an autumnal prize pack.
Alex debuts his new wedding review/price breakdown show. Dan joins us to help breakdown the events of 17hrs worth of very sticky nonflammable Halloween shenanigans.
Email: ramjackpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast
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It’s a spookily casual episode. We propose a solution to the gun issue that should make most accidents a thing of the past. Also, the Mormons enter Kaku territory, Moon Angels are on sale, and people are ticked off about stamps.
Email: ramjackpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast
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