A Podcast for Heroes and Bravehearts

// >> July 2013

Episode 145 – The Ramjack Trapper Keeper Vol.1
| 25. July, 2013

Hey remember all those awesome clips that got cut out of episodes for time?
These are some of those!

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Listen to Episode 145 – 1:25:04

Episode 144 – Ramjack and the Less Than Strident Invasion Force
| 20. July, 2013

Alex is off at Camp Quest again, but luckily Junior Beat Reporter/Weather Corespondent Jon Pernisek is here to pick up the slack. Brad is water-boarded by nature. We examine a depressing list of the highest earning comedians/yokel-cunt hillbillies. Mr. Belvedere crosses over with Twin Peaks as we witness what we can all hope to be the last visit from Lame Wendy and Perfect Strangers continues to fill our hearts with joy as we learn about integrity and saying no.

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PO BOX 721841
Newport, KY 41072-1841

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Where racist puppets never earn a dime.

Listen to Episode 144 – 2:22:38

Episode 142 – Ramjack and the Aria of the Amazing Adventuremen
| 4. July, 2013

Alex returns with tales of summer camp and 9/11 year olds. We discuss the hilarity of the tornado in Man of Steel and meet a slew of psychotic new friends on My Strange Addiction. Finally after 3 months we unleash Paul Maki via Mackittack 2013: A Game of Preamble and Veto.

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PO BOX 721841
Newport, KY 41072-1841

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Where you can always give detailed explanations on what a sandwich is and how it’s made.

Listen to Episode 142 – 2:06:58

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