A Podcast for Heroes and Bravehearts

// >> September 2017

Episode 331- The Seventh Annual Ramjack 9/11 Pageant: A Cliched Jingoistic Scream From Planet Earth’s Greatest Nation Wrapped In Fetishistic Nationalism As Baby Jesus Always Intended It
| 22. September, 2017

Join us as we kick off the holiday season with our annual reflection on freedom.

Voice Mail: (979) 476-9877 or (979) GrowUp7
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

Join the Facebook Group!
Where we never forget.

Listen to Episode 331 – 02:44:38


Episode 330- Ramjack and the Sleep Plague of the Night Sailors
| 7. September, 2017

Shockingly boxing is still a thing in 2017 and money can still buy you happiness. Alex is checking his apps to catch all the celebs in Cincinnati. Brad receives important news from an exceptional friend located at the nexus of this very episode. We watch Three’s Company 5×19 “Double Trouble” wherein Jack pulls a Matt Murdock and Mr. Furly is an American hero.

Voice Mail: (979) 476-9877 or (979) GrowUp7
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

Join the Facebook Group!
where it’s like a ballerz alert for bravehearts

Listen to Episode 330 – 02:05:59


Episode 329 – The Search for the Final Certification of Ramjack
| 2. September, 2017

We survived the solar eclipse without going blind, being attacked by werewolves, or getting in trouble. Alex visits “The Disney World of Cincinnati” to find some “Monsters”? We discuss an episode of the classic radio show “Bold Venture” starring Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall in the sultry settings of tropical Havana and the mysterious islands of the Caribbean.

Voice Mail: (979) 476-9877 or (979) GrowUp7
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

Join the Facebook Group!
Where we will block out the sun.

Listen to Episode 329 – 01:56:29


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