Employ-of-the-month: FAIL. The science behind tiny sensitive hands is explored. Does the number four exist? Ask the 4&2’ers and prepare for an onslaught of idiocy. Surprise! Stress is not new. News Dealers are in your neighborhood and they are dealing news… to your KIDS! Drink Recipes for a new year. Build-a-bear-voodoo-Frankenstein-workshop is out to make a Horcrux from your toddler’s soul and there are people out there that want to steal those souls. BEWARE! We bring class with a Ramjack Dramatic Reading of the insanely awkward “Poetry of the Fae” The Situation Room is laden with faeries, thievery, bots, and guests.
Be careful with unparliamentarily language, lest you lose your position.
Dude, you ask a girl to “Drink my ham daquiri,” and you deserve the beating you get.