A Podcast for Heroes and Bravehearts

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Episode 182 – Ramjack and the Family Ultracrepidarian: A Dinner To Dismiss
| 10. May, 2014

We learn more about the gaping holes in the education of our favorite small-town newspaper columnist. Brad proposes a new policy towards viewing and discussing our State Sponsored Murderers (spoilers: It does not involve supporting the troops). We play a rousing round of “Giving Advice: THE GAME!” and Lora confronts sheer terror in the name of enjoying a quiet breakfast.

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Where the troops can go fuck themselves.

[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_182.mp3|titles=Episode 182|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 182 – 2:07:28


Episode 180 – Ramjack and the Fingerprints of the Goatman Assassin Squad
| 25. April, 2014

Brad and Jonathon have seen Darren Aronofsky’s “Noah” The feel-good Manson Family film of the year! We discuss all of the rock monsters, magic rocks, and denim, and armadillo-lambs in detail. It’s finally time to discuss a very special and truly unsettling episode of Mr. Belvedere “The Counselor”. We get feedback from the creator of D&D yoga and treat it with all the respect it deserves.

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Call: 206-339-5894
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where we’ll never go on a genocidal spree on the advice of a magic skygod.

[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_180.mp3|titles=Episode 180|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 180 – 2:44:41


Episode 111 – Behold the Forever Vacuum: The Shedding Werewolf of Ramjack
| 18. October, 2012

Smile tech days turn into frowny face “fuck you’s” in this rage packed episode of Ramjack. The curse of Sutekh continues it’s mighty reign now with 100% more arbitrary language censorship. Alchemy is real, Mice are losing their skin, and Barry can’t stop agreeing with the GOP. Mr. Belvedere takes a horrifically dark turn into sexism and date rape. Angie Harmon chases a mummy whilst Doctor David Hasselhoff literally listens to dust on Baywatch Nights.

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Dirty-No-Good-Bad-Words are welcome & encouraged there.

Listen to Episode 111 – 2:26:47

Episode 68 – Ramjack and the Catapult of Masculine Power
| 7. August, 2011

We’ve seen a lot of movies and we are going to talk about them. You get to listen. It’s just that simple.
Jon goes out of his way to try and convince Brad and Alex to see “The Tree of Life”. Furtive glances and skeptical looks are exchanged. Captain America throws his mighty shield and we learn how unglamorous that ever-lovin’ Hulk is. Attack the Block is fine and dandy but is probably not the greatest film ever created despite what internet wackadoos think. Sylvester Stallone is Lion and Kevin James is Zookeeper. Some people are opposed to talking animals others are enthralled and happily awaiting more in the future. Transformers 3 is much more fun with booze! Smuggle some fun into your next 3D Excursion! In other news the Harry Potter series is finally over. Hoorah!
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Listen to Episode 68 – 1:27:07

Ramjack: Herald of Decimation – Episode 55
| 20. March, 2011

Brad is confronted by his anti-stalker, Jonathon details the shenanigans of the Chicago Improv scene, and Alex drinks grass for kicks.
We say a final farewell to our boy The Cape and his lovably improbable cast of characters, and uncover a slew of family secrets when Grandma Pembroke drops in on Charles in Charge.

Tell Sally Stefanato to download this before the cool crew passes her by.

Listen to Episode 55 – 1:27:16

Sublexations of Nonsense: The Applied Kinesiology of Ramjack – Episode 54
| 15. March, 2011

In a time when the Greek people were in need of a leader… one man will rise to the challenge. In a world full of rule-breakers… another will unleash his blades to an unsuspecting public -a public that will learn to fear him. Elsewhere, as the wolfsbane blooms… a mortal in the throws of violent fever will realize that he well may have received the curse of the Pentagram. But who will stalk them?

We also cover more Charles in Charge and the final gasps of The Cape. If you have the ears we have the something to occupy them.

Listen to Episode 54 – 1:59:56

Ramjack and the Decorated Egg of Divinity: He is Risen – Episode 30
| 20. April, 2010

It’s an Easter Spectacular! Welcome back baby jeezo.  Dove Promises, Wisconsin are you ok? Ladies get a 5&2 slap to the mouth, meanwhile Catholics keep protecting wacko preds, A pocket for the 21st century, orangutan’s love hot tub danger sex, Pet adoption fan-fiction, We take baby jeezo to ikea and then introduce him to internet porn.

Listen to Episode 30 – 1:18:46

Robots of Shame and Failure: Ramjack Incorporated – Episode 27
| 4. March, 2010

And we’re back! Fashion forward, Cyrus Family Secrets, Asexual Lady Ants, Racist Jap Bees, We play Jeezo, Shroud, Albino as the 5&2’s raise the dead, Elderly Server Farms Solve the Energy Crisis, Diesel gets stupid, Hoarding christmas and mad vampire fashions. You best put on your science pants!

Listen to Episode 27 – 1:26:20

Influenza de la Suidae: The Scourge of Ramjack – Episode 26
| 30. January, 2010

Stealing a KJ for the 5&2 set, baby tat’s for Jeezo, 4&2 is the new Asian, The Folgers Coffee Company is a bastion of antiquated ideas about gender roles and societal obligations, Chiropractors in Connecticut, Nerd Ladies abound, and a bedazzled situation room for a new year. Hey Humanity, Stop Resting on your Laurels in 2010!

Listen to Episode 26 – 1:32:05

Ramjack and the Death of Father Time: A New Year’s Jubilee – Episode 25
| 18. January, 2010

Employ-of-the-month: FAIL. The science behind tiny sensitive hands is explored. Does the number four exist? Ask the 4&2’ers and prepare for an onslaught of idiocy. Surprise! Stress is not new. News Dealers are in your neighborhood and they are dealing news… to your KIDS! Drink Recipes for a new year. Build-a-bear-voodoo-Frankenstein-workshop is out to make a Horcrux from your toddler’s soul and there are people out there that want to steal those souls. BEWARE! We bring class with a Ramjack Dramatic Reading of the insanely awkward “Poetry of the Fae” The Situation Room is laden with faeries, thievery, bots, and guests.

Be careful with unparliamentarily language, lest you lose your position.

Listen to Episode 25 – 1:26:30

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