Brad learns he fully is capable of wearing a mask and punching people at the same time. Alex almost falls into Steven Pinker territory. We explore how prayers are transmitted and Psychic-Sasquatches. We learn the valuable lesson to stop trying to follow your dreams and just do your damn gymnastics on Mr. T 1×07 “The Ninja Mystery”
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Where we all respect and defend mask world.
Get your cubes, horses, and breakfast cereal ready and welcome to a very special Kokology focused ep of Ramjack. We give some important paranormal advice and if you’ve ever wondered why The Manchurian Candidate was never adapted for children you will enjoy Mr. T 1×06 “The Crossword Mystery”
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Where resin pours are not acceptable forms of wordworking.
We are finally getting to the bottom of the Atlantean Mummy & Birdmen issues that have polarized the academic world for so long. A strong case for not being not living with over a hundred wild animals is made and Alex discusses the merits of slowly overcooking steaks. We begin a month of celebrating a true hero with Mr. T 1×05 “The Hundred Year Old Mystery”
Email: [email protected]
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Where we all feel weird about confederate flags in children’s cartoons.
We answer the age-old question “Are Tic Tacs Time Travelers” and do some investigations on swabs that are NOT innocent. In The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries 1×11 “Wipe Out” The Hardy Boys go to Hawaii for a surfing competition and end up stealing all the jewels.
Email: [email protected]
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Where we all try to avoid clicking paranormal links.