A Podcast for Heroes and Bravehearts

// >> May 2021

Episode 516 – Wonders and Terrors: The Cursed Promise of Ramjack
| 31. May, 2021

Would you save the life of an imperialist murderer or a lovable cartoon character? Spoiler alert: a lot of people are choosing the wrong answer. We’re continue to leave a candle in the window for Sophie/Sopie in T and T 1×05 “The Drop” a 13-year-old is going to be charged as an adult for delivering sweepstakes envelopes.

Email: ramjackpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where 70’s/80’s pizza is a terrifying concept.

Listen to Episode 516 – 01:44:09


Episode 515 – Games of Ramjack: A Macabre Summoning
| 25. May, 2021

Brad reports in on the latest in doctor and postal drama. Alex has some Human vs Animal match-ups that seem wildly overconfident. We’re still waiting for Aunt Martha and Sophie/Sopie in T and T 1×04 “Stowaway” in which a would-be Ocean Boy is the victim of kidnapping by weapons smugglers.

Email: ramjackpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where Gorillas are unbeatable.

Listen to Episode 515 – 01:36:16


Episode 514 – Nameless Entities of Ramjack: A Spectral Betrayal
| 18. May, 2021

Alex wants to see Covid patients attacked by bees. Brad has many thoughts on “Falcon can’t get a loan but is still fighting for capitalist imperialism: the tv show”. Mr. T’s birth month continues with T and T 1×03 “Settling the Score” wherein we learn the story of Mr. T’s framing, save a boxer’s license, meet a racist cop and continue to not feature Sophie or Aunt Martha.

Email: ramjackpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where Earth is not bringing its best champions to Mortal Kombat.

Listen to Episode 514 – 01:28:38


Episode 513 – Imposters in Place: The Preparations of Ramjack
| 11. May, 2021

Alex reports in on a completely unbelievable television premise and Brad finds an extremely specific Youtube channel. We continue to celebrate the birth month of Mr. T with T and T 1×02 “Mug Shot” in which a truly unnecessary criminal scheme is busted but the fashion crimes go unpunished.

Email: ramjackpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where we will NOT be eating 2 liters of fiber powder.

Listen to Episode 513 – 01:42:24


Episode 512 – Viceroy to the Remnants of the Ramjack Empire
| 4. May, 2021

Alex presents a questionable study and Brad is done with his doctor’s office. We begin to celebrate the birth month of Mr. T with the Canadian produced T and T 1×01 “Extortion in Chinatown” an insanely fast paced lesson on the dangers of placing cans too high and why not to water down siracha.

Email: ramjackpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where edible arrangements are accepted.

Listen to Episode 512 – 01:42:26


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