Alex pulls himself away from wrestling movies to face a Libertarian Trolly yet again and Brad meets his ultimate fate in the front row of a haunted house waiting on a glass of iced tea. T and T 2×12 “Wendell’s Story” becomes an instant classic as things get hot and steamy in Seacouver and a bumbling immortal and watcher get on the wrong side of Mr. T.
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Where we are pretty sure she has to keep that couch now.
It’s a casual episode as we explore what life has for us in post AI Sentinel World. Alex says some things about “fake podcast ads” none of it makes sense. We get some spring-cleaning tips from TN that are equally reasonable. We check in on the Ticked Off! people of Orlando and learn about some creepy new sales.
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Where we have always been on the side of the Bear.
In Straight Line (1990) Mr. T goes up against Windom Earle’s Oath Keeper Blockbuster militia and Amy/Amanda is way too comfortable throwing grenades. Also, what item has Brad purchased that is more negative, horrific, and traitorous than a Ouija Board?
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Where Vivek wishes he had the lasting impact of Ross Perot.
Happy Holidays! Put on your rodent VR headset and quiet the Robin Williams in your head. We discuss a pair of Christmas themed episodes of Tales from the Darkside 04×07 – “The Yattering and Jack” features a lovely tale from Clive Barker of a demon attempting to get a pickle salesman to commit suicide via a Turkey on a Christmas Tree. In 03×11 – “Seasons of Belief” we examine the most bizarre 20 minutes of television ever created wherein a fractically problematic couple of parents lie to their children instead of letting them watch the Gumby Xmas Special thus manifesting a monster, I think?
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Where we stand with the Grither
Alex is listening to ghost realtor’s and Brad is dealing with constant eyeball trauma. Tales from the Darkside pilot “Trick or Treat” a very complicated story where it’s difficult to say who is really at fault and 1×07 “Inside the Closet” in which a grad student moves into the worst possible room.
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Where we do not make excuses for genocide.
Chris joins us with a new round of Guided by Parents. Alex has watched “The Tomorrow War” and Brad has lived in “The Forever Purge” In T & T 1×08 “And Baby Makes Nine” it turns out plotting to pawn your baby is not a great idea. Also this meth daddy deserves worse.
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Where we would very much like to see this lawyer’s baby selling ad.
Check your pupil size before listening. Alex has some extremely dubious information about birds. Weddings are weird. We finally meet Sopie/Sophie in T and T 1×07 “The Silver Angel” which is by far the single greatest 23 minutes in television history. Mr. T and The Fat Boys help an old man who is robbing grocery stores.
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Where we are all watching this episode multiple times.
Aliens aren’t real and neither is a deep fake map. A lot of people are ticked off and vacuum hoses are way to tricky. Sophie/Sopie remains missing in T and T 1×06 “Something in the Air” wherein a rich polo shirt wearing asshole becomes a frantic bomber in an elaborate plot to thwart PJ the DJ.
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Where we all accept that rich people have to be stopped.
Would you save the life of an imperialist murderer or a lovable cartoon character? Spoiler alert: a lot of people are choosing the wrong answer. We’re continue to leave a candle in the window for Sophie/Sopie in T and T 1×05 “The Drop” a 13-year-old is going to be charged as an adult for delivering sweepstakes envelopes.
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Where 70’s/80’s pizza is a terrifying concept.
Brad reports in on the latest in doctor and postal drama. Alex has some Human vs Animal match-ups that seem wildly overconfident. We’re still waiting for Aunt Martha and Sophie/Sopie in T and T 1×04 “Stowaway” in which a would-be Ocean Boy is the victim of kidnapping by weapons smugglers.
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Where Gorillas are unbeatable.