Grab your apple pie and pour out that tea, It’s a very special episode spanning over four months of hard-hitting reporting to deliver the complete Intervention of Mike Miller. We track his attempts to cast aside Old Glory in favor of the Union Jack whilst maintaining an abundance of facial hair. Domestic Terrorism Alert: Dolphins are being trained to kill our president and toys are trying to turn our children gay. Deal with it. Listen as we fight with patriotic zeal to save the soul of one of our own. God Bless the USA!
0 – 41:52 February Miller Talk
41:53 – 1:13:56 April Miller Talk
1:13:57 – 1:24:44 Toys make you gay
1:24:45 – 1:42:55 Situation Room
1:42:55 – 1:43:27 Show Info
1:43:27 – 1:45:58 Mike Miller Intervention Update
It’s over and it’s been a long wild road, kids. We take a moment from our grieving to discuss the final episode of Lost and try to figure out why ABC cut all the polar bear footage. Also we flashback to mid 4th season with Mike “Too-Tall-Tilly” Miller to get some exciting predictions that will never happen… or will they?