Behold the new law of the land for 2025: Life Is Burger and Burger Is Life and Trash Cans are not gifts. Could Donald Trump defeat the smile monster? We check in on some old friends at forever name-changing forum.
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Where VR does not belong in a courtroom any more than a trash can belongs under a tree.
Reggie is on the hunt for shadow people and we will support him all the way. Did you choose the appropriately nonsensical luxury gifts for your loved ones during the holidays? Alex has returned from a Mountain holiday and Brad has seen Gay Dune for Girls: The Movie Part One. Also, many people are saying there is a war on the spirit world.
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Where we ONLY iron with properly bound spirits.
We’re back for a casual episode. Have you deposited your first of 25 Secret-Santa gifts in the secret box? Make sure to switch the handwriting on your form to participate. We discuss our latest shenanigans and the absolute villainy of Shampoo.
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Where we would prefer to have RFK’s fictional worm in the cabinet.
Monsters are lurking everywhere keep an eye out and have extra socks just in case. People are Ticked Off! at all the wrong things and surprise puppies are the best puppies.
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Where everybody needs to be doing regular lower leg checks now.
We’re proud to sponsor the dummy Olympic champions from across the globe. Brad visits the Shamalan Family in” Trap” and some people are Ticked Off! at the price other people are not paying for pizza. We do a deep dive into some creepy new friends.
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Where we do not understand football practice.
The Olympics are a thing unlike A.I. Mice are forever now. What happened to carwashes? Are we even a country anymore? How many Wraiths do you need to have a table to yourself for your revenge work? We ask the questions that most are too cowardly to ask.
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Where we just want to investigate this ridiculous company 24/7.
The heat index in Florida is 110, therefore it is currently too hot for Acapulco Heat, but despite the efforts of weather we will present a ludicrously self-indulgent episode detailing wild travel adventures.
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Where we have learned you have a right to take arrest selfies.
It’s a casual episode as we explore what life has for us in post AI Sentinel World. Alex says some things about “fake podcast ads” none of it makes sense. We get some spring-cleaning tips from TN that are equally reasonable. We check in on the Ticked Off! people of Orlando and learn about some creepy new sales.
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Where we have always been on the side of the Bear.
Alex is back from travels and Brad is possibly imagining saw movies. Madame Web has arrived and her Pepsi connects us all. Including a quick changing weirdo who was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders right before she died and that was the last time his voice synched up with his face. How does facial recognition work with dream footage? Also people are TICKED OFF!
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Where we all want to go to a Spider Lagoon to enjoy a delicious Pepsi.
GhostFiremen or FireStarterMen? Can Chris Rock in Spiral Team up with Lance Henriksen from that one ep of Millenium playing a younger version of themselves as buddy cops? Jesus’s foot fetish is making everyone uncomfortable. Google’s new AI is trash and hopefully Alex does not pay for it.
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Where we have questions about “those nice young men” the government sends to trim the lawn while locking Mrs. Patterson indoors.