Hey remember Easter? We do. Barry-san be praised! We are prepping for Vatican III i.e., No Vatican. Grab a glass of your finest aged urine and mouthful of dirt we’ve got a slew of new addicts and a couple of well placed halibuts. The coffee shops are filled with terrifying weirdos and walking cliches. We test our likelihood to become alcoholics. We’re eating bugs, all of us… and no amount of alcohol or showering can change it.
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Back in Action with a warning: Beware the Werewolves… and the dolphins… and any other animal that totes weaponry. South Carolina Republicans somehow lower the bar for common sense. We watch some horrific re-enactments from awful lying liars in the E.R. Netflix plays some wacky shenanigans with Saved by the Bell. The Turks are demanding Cami Secrets for Chess Tournaments. We double down and watch the exciting pair of episodes of Mr. Belvedere and Saved by the Bell known as “The Will” and no one knows how to dress themselves.
We launch an exciting new contest and solve our first Mystery Minute!
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