Back in Action with a warning: Beware the Werewolves… and the dolphins… and any other animal that totes weaponry. South Carolina Republicans somehow lower the bar for common sense. We watch some horrific re-enactments from awful lying liars in the E.R. Netflix plays some wacky shenanigans with Saved by the Bell. The Turks are demanding Cami Secrets for Chess Tournaments. We double down and watch the exciting pair of episodes of Mr. Belvedere and Saved by the Bell known as “The Will” and no one knows how to dress themselves.
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Alex gets challenged by deer, Animal Facts, Asshole Animals, Bag Turkey, Bear with Combs is one step from bears with Switchblade combs which is only one step from bears with switchblades, Bee+T+Who+2+Your+LittleHouseOnThePrairie, Breaking and Entering Diner Antics, British Commissioner Gordon, Bubble Nets, Cami Secret, Carrot Top Orgy, Cedric the Safety Sloth, country music is the worst, Crazy Aquaman tactics, Day of the Dolphin, dolphins, Dolphins are the Chris Brown of the Ocean, Fashion Backwards, Game Ammendments, Gone Country, Gorillas will kill you, Hornet Mystery, Ice clubs, In Alex's world humans are scared of clouds and by clouds he means fog, Incest, Inheritance Dance, Joe the Plumber, Kevin loves the ladies... in his family, Killing me through my eyeballs, Lawyer times, Legal pad does not a lawyer make, Little Orphin Balki Kermit Bartakomous-Roosevelt-Cupples, Look at them boots!, Mario Lopez: Portrait of a Cheater!, Matt's Strange Addiction, Mean Jean Schmidt, Meterosexual Bears, Mr. Belvedere, Mystery Minute, Netflix, Patient Doctor Confidentiality, Racsim, Reba, Republicans have lost their fucking minds, Rods and Cones got messed up in the 80s, Sexy Chess, shadow people, Shitty Cheers, Shitty word puzzles, South Carolina is the worst, Swordplay: That's so Raven!, That damned Orangutan that broke line got the last iPad, The Body's Barely Cold Dance, The Ten Commandments is 0% Historically Accurate, The Will, TN is the worst, Untold stories of the ER, Werewolfs of covington, Wild Animal Farms