A Podcast for Heroes and Bravehearts

// >> A Different World

Episode 478 – Fortress of Ramjack: Lost in the Inescapable
| 3. September, 2020

Alex reports on the latest local vandalism and it’s correction. Brad is learning about Vincent Price and watching Johnny Carson. We delve back into A Different World 1×03 “Porky De Bergerac” In which tyrannical and unenforceable rules lead to unnecessary shenanigans.

Email: ramjackpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where we are moving our festival to someplace more family friendly… (if you buy our mask)

Listen to Episode 478 – 02:20:20


Episode 476 – Eternity of Lies: The Library of Ramjack
| 17. August, 2020

Alex has been gazing deep into the past and returned with some animal facts. Brad takes a bold stance against gardening. We discuss A Different World 1×22 “My Dinner with Theo” the first season finale that was also the original pilot. We blame the awful antics of the Time-Walrus.

Email: ramjackpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where we know how bread is baked

Listen to Episode 476 – 02:14:04


Episode 475 – Master of Infinite Shadow: A Ramjack Reckoning
| 10. August, 2020

Bugs Bunny vs Peter Rabbit: The shocking answer will in no way surprise you. We learn just how “Chuch-y” Alex was and learn about one prophesied to cook overly large steaks for the lord. We discuss A Different World 1×02 “Pilot” wherein Marisa Tomei is in the mix and wearing a questionable jacket.

Email: ramjackpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where we don’t let lunatics speak nonsense to children

Listen to Episode 475 – 02:19:15


Episode 474 – Invalid Empire: Ramjack Resets the Board
| 5. August, 2020

It’s summertime which means we are discussing Barbecue and Pretzels. We give some advice and dip back into our favorite book of questions. We discuss A Different World 1×01 “Reconcilable Differences” The third first episode of the series. Lisa Bonet is forever and always a national treasure.

Email: ramjackpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where we don’t let family steal 30k for any reason

Listen to Episode 474 – 01:48:43


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