A Podcast for Heroes and Bravehearts

// >> February 2020

Episode 452 – Shielded by Ramjack: A Life in Anarchy
| 27. February, 2020

Alex reports in on his travels and watching Sex in the City 2 on an 80 inch television. Brad encounters a pharmacy monster. Terrible parents make terrible deals. We give some advice to people worried about spells and pandemics.

Email: ramjackpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where your paranormal problems can be fixed at the genius bar

Listen to Episode 452 – 01:23:40


Episode 451 – Ramjack March to the Gravity Knife: Part 12
| 26. February, 2020

Brad, Dan, and Alex tackle the Democratic Debate from Tuesday 25th 2020 in which we try to hold onto our sanity with the aid of comedy, parody, and other modes of legal obfuscation to deal with a lot of nonsense. Also Joe Biden is going to have DARPA create an anti-fatso machine.

Email: ramjackpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where everything said in this podcast is parody/comedy/whatever

Listen to Episode 451 – 02:16:55


Episode 450 – Ramjack March to the Gravity Knife: Part 11
| 20. February, 2020

Brad and Dan tackle the Democratic Debate from Wednesday 19th 2020 in which Michael Racist Bloomberg is destroyed completely. Also more candidates answer questions from the book.

Email: ramjackpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where we have a lot of questions about Pete ButtiCIAgieg’s future.

Listen to Episode 450 – 02:13:12


Episode 449 – Atomic Exiles: The Pathway to Ramjack
| 19. February, 2020

The DNC is a nightmare parade of rats and snakes. Alex carries a metric ton of flooring for his birthday. Brad keeps wizards from leaving a library. The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries 2×10 “Nancy Drew’s Love Match” is a truly wacky adventure into the horrible affliction known as kleptomania.

Email: ramjackpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where we’re pretty sure that’s not how kleptomania works

Listen to Episode 449 – 02:27:01


Episode 448 – Final Lightning: Ramjack and the Mysterious Benefactor
| 13. February, 2020

We’re back to basics with this casual ep. Alex might be a serial killer. Brad has seen Parasite and Cats (again). A wealthy idiot wants to find love on the moon.We learn a shocking secret about Superman, give some advice, and answer some questions from the book.

Email: ramjackpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where we know that peek-a-boo is the most dangerous game

Listen to Episode 448 – 01:36:10


Episode 447 – Ramjack March to the Gravity Knife: Part 10
| 8. February, 2020

Brad and Dan survive the Democratic Debate from Friday February 7th 2020 as Mayo Cheat gets sent to his rat hole without cheese, Snake continues to snake, Steyer attempts to form a coalition of friends and buddies, and Joe Biden lapses into obscurity, we celebrate the coronation of President Bernard Sanders.

Email: ramjackpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

Join the Facebook Group!
Where we all just want to be friends

Listen to Episode 447 – 02:44:19


Episode 446 – Supreme Secrets of The Ramjack Magical Society
| 4. February, 2020

Join us as we recount Claire’s shenanigans, tomfooleries, and goings-on during her two week visit to Orlando. We learn about peepers, cheese and pineapple hedgehogs, wiggly friends, and wildly aggressive Disney workers.

Email: ramjackpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

Join the Facebook Group!
Where snitches are welcome

Listen to Episode 446 – 02:35:45


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