An epic Holiday episode is here to fill your digital stocking, Brad is wheelin’, dealin’ and conquering the amazon. Alex is fighting children, making connections at starbucks and dealing out harsh criticism. Jon Pernisek sends us amazing Fanfiction. Morgan Freeman makes a special appearance. We learn about the unfortunate fate of Rich Little and Dana Carvey. Belvedere turns it up to eleven and Saved by the Bell finally let’s Mario Lopez come out of the closet.
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It’s where snowmen come to life… and seek political asylum!
Looking to have fun in church? Try The Baby Jeezo Sexy-Time Party Pew, it’s not gonna make churchgoing more sensible but it might just get you a Grand-Slam at Denny’s. We watch the preview of TLC’s Virgin Diaries and have a full out panic attack. Meanwhile the Japanese are getting Deja-Ew from a grip of unordered pizzas. Belevedere confirms our suspension on all fronts and Zack plots to escape detention with his giant brick phone on Saved by The Bell.
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Monster free and more fun than a Denny’s.
Happy Holidays! If you like dog shows, THIS EPISODE IS FOR YOU. We give our Thanksgiving sports reports, Check in with Claire, and join World’s Greatest Human Elizabeth Berkley and the Christmas Creep in the epic Hallmark Movie “Lucky Christmas”. We are riveted by the National Dog Show and all of it’s awesomeness. Hot New Movies are pitched and vocabulary lessons are taught. Our Black Friday bargain adventures and missed connections are chronicled as well.
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Open 24 hrs a day 7 days a week… unlike orphanages.