Alex is finally being asked the hard parental questions, “Are Shadow People and/or Parallel Universes Real”. Brad encounters a person with a really questionable dental regimen. The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries 1×06 “The Secret of the Whispering Walls” We meet Dinko a man who knows a LOT about property rights.
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Where there’s no raising the dead in Murder She Wrote
Brad prepping to fight criminals and also being mystified by magic cartoon technology. Alex is looking into side-hustles and creepy massage guns. The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries 1×04 “The Mystery of the Diamond Triangle” makes us question how easy was it to get a private plane license in the 70’s.
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Where we are all going to our local lending library
Get ready for Malarkey with Brad, Dan, and Alex. It’s theoretically the final Democratic Primary debate from the ides of March 2020. Joe Biden continues his lifelong streak of never winning a debate whilst pushing the upper limits of how many blatant lies he can tell. We also meet Kermit Biden a true American hero.
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Where it’s Bernie or Burn it all to the ground.
We do a snake analysis on Super Tuesday. Alex is getting in trouble for his childish ways and Brad is hanging out with CGI Dogs. The Hardy Boys are in witch/goblin/unscrupulous land developer territory in The Hardy Boys/ Nancy Drew Mysteries 1×03 “The Mystery of Witches Hollow” Also what is up with Goblins? We investigate.
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Where we have a lot of thoughts on goblins
It’s weird times friends. Brad owns a bandanna and Alex is encouraging child labor and Christianity. We are all very concerned about the amount of correspondence from Amazon sellers. The Hardy Boys are learning what holograms is in The Hardy Boys/ Nancy Drew Mysteries 1×05 “The Disappearing Floor”
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Where holograms is pretty nifty