A Podcast for Heroes and Bravehearts

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Episode 314 – Licentiate to the Ramjack Creepatorium – Part 1
| 12. May, 2017

Here they are the first 16 super scary monsters in the 2017 April Anarchy Brackets. You will meet terrors that defy reason, health and safety standards, and the social contract. As well as some that are just silly. Alex returns from paternity leave to join Brad, Jon, Tammy, and Dan on a two-part epic showdown of scary beasts. Don’t listen with the lights off.

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Where silly is an adjective used to describe something whimsical and absurd not a blanket term of dismissal.

[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_314.mp3|titles=Episode 314|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 314 – 02:03:02


Episode 188 – Painful Patronization Parade: A Ramjack Dinner Mystery
| 19. June, 2014

Monsters are afoot and we bring you all our local scary sightings. We learn about dirtwater and the lameness of Sikeston Missouri. We discuss the lamest ep of Perfect Strangers 2×12 (“Dog Gone Blues”) Jonathon calls in to update us on the youthful summers of a small town columnist with zero ambitions or goals.

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Where there’s always a tiny fake skeleton welcoming you to join us.

[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_188.mp3|titles=Episode 188|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 188 – 1:31:17


Episode 187 – The Odell Trail of Murder Munchers: A 5.25 Floppy Ramjack Adventure
| 13. June, 2014

Jonathon gives us the update from his cinnamon bunker and introduces us to some of his newest closest friends. We teach Dear Abby a thing or two about growing up and shutting up in Giving Advice: THE GAME. Mr. Belvedere continues it’s kooky fifth season as we discuss 5×3 ‘Braces’

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Call: 206-339-5894
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Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where Cinnamon is the new black.

[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_187.mp3|titles=Episode 187|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 187 – 2:28:18


Episode 186 – Egg on the Face of Ramjack: A Fremdschämen Fable
| 7. June, 2014

Get your flashlights out we’ve got monster stories and more difficult queries in Giving Advice: THE GAME. Some assholes are trying to send religious texts to the moon and the army is trying to shame it’s fat murderers. It’s Yule time on Perfect Strangers as we discuss 2×11 ‘A Christmas Story’ We conquer a mountain of voicemails and Alex offers to hand deliver a poster for anyone willing to put up a Ramjack billboard.

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Where everybody knows what a goddamn fish sandwich tastes like.

[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_186.mp3|titles=Episode 186|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 186 – 2:16:24


Episode 184 – Ramjack and the Lore of the Legacy Bucket
| 22. May, 2014

Jon tries to sell Brad on the upcoming NBC lineup. Our favorite small-town scribe is in a relationship with the son of Somnus. We break-out an all Mormon Edition of ‘Giving Advice: THE GAME’ and Mr. Belvedere 5×02 Hooky is completely 100% bonkers.

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Call: 206-339-5894
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Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where this peacock needs to be fed.

[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_184.mp3|titles=Episode 184|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 184 – 2:26:34


Episode 178 – The For-Profit Mobile Ramjack Forensic Lab of Secrets and Manufactured Evidence
| 12. April, 2014

It’s our first official Alf-yo Episode in which we step away from our standard faire and test the waters on some other panic inducing shows from the ’80’s. This week we take a look at the befuddling ALF Season 1×14 A Little Bit of Soap and the pilot episode of Small Wonder a sci-fi sitcom about a highly skilled child predator and his broken family.

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Call: 206-339-5894
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Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where ginger neighbor kids always get a door slammed in their face.

[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_178.mp3|titles=Episode 178|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 178 – 1:47:41


Episode 155 – Haunted Harvest Horror Ramjack and the Rise of the Vegitons
| 9. October, 2013

Whilst Alex is away investigating spooky occurrences, Jonathon Pernisek is here to regale us with new monster tales as we check in with Lora Wimsatt. We kick off our General Mills Monster Cereal audition process. And it’s back to basics as Baywatch Nights breaks out the lead pipes and familiar warehouses in a battle against a werewolf… I mean a manitou… I mean a zargatha.

Visit Our Website:
Call: 206-339-5894
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where streetkids and peach cobbler are always welcome.

[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_155.mp3|titles=Episode 155|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 155 – 1:59:35

Episode 128 – Ramjack and Primadonna Power Party Potlouck
| 20. March, 2013

Jon Pernisek AKA Elijah Mathew pops in to join your regular pair of Morley Safer’s as we present a DARE drug free podcast. Brad and Alex finally have their anti-drug PSA from 1999 vindicated, And get ready to check-in with everybody’s favorite rambling-lunatic-posing-as-a-small-town-journalist as we play the Lora Wimsatt drinking game.

Send us a letter!
PO BOX 721841
Newport, KY 41072-1841

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It’s the safest way to consume the writings of Lora Wimsatt.

Listen to Episode 128 – 1:38:45

Episode 112 – Deadly Daddy Demon Daycare: Ramjack & The Alliteration of Stale Ideas
| 30. October, 2012

We have both seen a grip of films including the most sexist movie ever and Alex finally sees the worst movie ever made. Old People LOVE grocery stores. Sadsack losers post their awkward terrible relationship texts on the internet for our amusement. Belvedere faces mortality, George hangs with devil worshipers, and Heather asks Kevin to wear a sexy costume. Amateur-junior-scientist Angie Harmon and Doctor David Hasselhoff track down a vampire at the old cemented up police station.

Send us a letter!
PO BOX 721841
Newport, KY 41072-1841

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We will never seal our doors shut with concrete.

Listen to Episode 112 – 2:25:57

Episode 103 – Winter Shenanigans: An Inappropriately Timed Yule Festivity with Ramjack
| 31. July, 2012

Grab your hot cocoa and a hot dog it’s Xmas in July! When we promise something 57 episodes ago we deliver it… Eventually. In this Holiday-a-palooza we finally break down and discuss “Santa Claus: The Movie”, the story of a satanic bargain gone awry, and venture into an even darker realm with “Christmas with a Capital ‘C'” A Christian holiday movie where we are meant to root for the Christians as they subvert law, human decency, and basic reasoning just to maintain a stranglehold on a dying Alaskan community.
We also enjoy another battle of “Friendship versus the Bing Translator”, a game of skill, awareness, and context clues!

Send us a letter!
PO BOX 721841
Newport, KY 41072-1841

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It’s a Conservative Christian Comedian Free Zone.

Listen to Episode 103 – 2:26:49

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