Jonathon gives us the update from his cinnamon bunker and introduces us to some of his newest closest friends. We teach Dear Abby a thing or two about growing up and shutting up in Giving Advice: THE GAME. Mr. Belvedere continues it’s kooky fifth season as we discuss 5×3 ‘Braces’
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Where Cinnamon is the new black.
[audio:|titles=Episode 187|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 187 – 2:28:18
Ramjack days turn into Ramjack nights as we check our focal point and discuss Hallucination Horses, Shifty German Zookeepers, and the terrifying murderous intent of nature. Stickers look delicious to 9/11 year-olds. Mr. Belvedere teaches us the importance of back-up bangs and we learn that only weirdos are scared of earthquakes on Saved by the Bell.
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It will be used as a memorial after one or both of us die, which surely can’t be too far down the road.
The ghost of Alex goes on family adventures, Brad fills up your summer reading list and gives the latest updates on Harry Belafonte. We play “Who’s Losing at Facebook” the game where every contestant is a loser and we spot panic attacks aplenty in pools and restaurants. Mr. Belvedere and George have a sexy romantic evening… for realzies. Saved by the Bell almost kills us with bizarre fashion, black magicks, and unnecessary cross dressing.
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Where you are free to discuss this episode and so much more.
We are back for Episode 96 with all of our deeply literate, funny, and incisive shenanigans. But, of course, we are also maddening, outrageous, cranky, and provocative when we talk about crazy old racists, hologram ghosts, and being a better grandchild that lies about sex. Jon sends us part IV in the epic fanfiction monstrosity of “The Belvedere and the Butterfly”
We clutch or cool chains in the “Larger Locks Literary Lounge” for further discussions on the state of literature and we play Miss Marple at the behest of the Evil Horde!
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PO BOX 721841
Newport, KY 41072-1841
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It’s where all the cohort swarms are free to mingle without judgement!
Join us friends as we pitch an amazing new breakfast option that will forever change the Holiday Season. Brazil goes on official notice for their bedroom antics. We Introduce a grip of new Apps that will decipher what kind of ghost situation you are dealing with for an economical price, try to nail down if truth is true and get ready for our Thanksgiving sport reports.
Mr. Belvedere gets really really real on Thanksgiving and Zack Morris is jerk to Wheelchair Bitches in the Tori Universe of Saved by The Bell.
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It’s Truth App Aproved.
Need a pickle? In a pickle? Just relax and let this comedy gold soothe you. Alex brings us a terrifying dramatic reading from local racists that leads to seeing things that cannot be unseen. Things get super serious as Brad is getting ready for pageant season by brushing up on his Question and Answer skills. Teddy faces bullets and fan letters from industrious children to prove himself to be a super badass, yet again… Much to William Howard Taft’s chagrin. Belvedere has a seal and Kevin has no game… at all. Alex debates the pros and cons of keeping a pet mantis.
Brad is happy with his insect eating vacuum cleaner.
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Trust. It’s at least 100% more fun than the Fuhrer-Fun-Bus.
Ta da! A new episode of Ramjack in which we finally discuss Tommy Wiseau’s “The Room.” And it might be the greatest film ever made… if you like awkward sex scenes, nearly unintelligible bad dialogue and losing your grip on reality. We start planning for the My Strange Addiction Picnic and unleash rage against long dead American Presidents that might or might not be listening to the show. Mr. Belvedere gives a dark look into the psyche of a geriatric racist homophobe clansman and his struggle to remember how old he is through the fog of dementia. Alex reveals his own hostile anti-midget bigotry and we see Mr. Belvedere in an extremely compromising situation.
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It’s like Disneyland only without the children running underfoot and the over-inflated prices.