9/11, 9/11 year olds, Alexander Green, America, America's 17th favorite comic strip canine, Arbitrary Wars, Baby Jeezo, BC, Bloodthirsty Savages, Brad Cupples, Card Catalog, Cartoonist Remember, Christians, Clair Laffar, cliche, Comic Strips, Family Circus, fetishistic nationalism, Freedom, Freedom Fries, George W. Bush, Grrr, Hagar the Horrible, Have you forgotten, Hi and Lois, Highschool, It's Not Easy Being Green, jingoism, Jon Pernisek, Lazy Cartoonist, Mallard Fillmore, Merica, Mother Goose and Grimm, Mr. Belvedere, Muslims, Mutts, never forget, News...papers?, Osama bin Laden, Planet Earth's greatest nation, Pronouns, Religious Extremists, Remember, Rizzoli and Isles, Schindler's List, Terror, Terrorists, TN, USA, USA USA USA, VCR