A Podcast for Heroes and Bravehearts

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Episode 282 – The Sixth Annual Ramjack 9/11 Pageant: A Cliched Jingoistic Scream From Planet Earth’s Greatest Nation Wrapped In Fetishistic Nationalism As Baby Jesus Always Intended It
| 12. September, 2016

Did you think we forgot? Nope. How could we? We take some quizzes and talk with a bot about freedom and America.

Voice Mail: (979) 476-9877 or (979) GrowUp7
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Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where it still isn’t Claire’s fault.

[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_282.mp3|titles=Episode 282|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 282 – 00:48:22


Episode 239 – The Fifth Annual Ramjack 9/11 Pageant: A Cliched Jingoistic Scream From Planet Earth’s Greatest Nation Wrapped In Fetishistic Nationalism As Baby Jesus Always Intended It
| 12. September, 2015

Not again! Crap. We forgot. Brad and Jon Pernisek are here to remember and to discuss the current status of America, Freedom, Liberty, Eagles, Guns, etc.

Voice Mail: (979) 476-9877 or (979) GrowUp7
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where we never forget, again.

[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_239.mp3|titles=Episode 239|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 239 – 1:37:12


Episode 227 – Imposed Melancholy: Ramjack and the Tragedy of the Enlightened Mooncalf
| 4. June, 2015

By Hammurabi’s code, I can not swear strongly enough that this is a great episode you will love. After spending a little while trying to use Facebook like a couple of geriatric assholes, we learn about crying and lying. Apparently everyone on the planet forgot the last 14 years and somehow allowed Judith Fucking Miller to comment on Seymour Hersch’s bin Laden article. We discuss 227 1×21 “Pick Six”. It is delightful.

Voice Mail: (979) 476-9877 or (979) GrowUp7
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where we will not ever lie to you.

[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_227.mp3|titles=Episode 227|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 227 – 2:37:49


Episode 226 – Starter Sickness Succession: Ramjack and the Rise of Moribund Baker
| 25. May, 2015

In this episode we learn about the horrors going on in casinos and in the minds of casino patrons. The Situation Room takes us into a completely unlikely parallel universe in which we never became Vacation Heroes. In Mr. Belvedere 5×19 “The Book” The mystery of Marsha’s Porsche plus her shady connections to Al Qaeda are finally revealed. Also we discuss Ghost Writer/Ghost Rider and his contributions to the Marvel Cinematic Universe through solving mysteries with word puzzles and motor cycle stunts. Visit Our Website:
Voice Mail: (979) 476-9877 or (979) GrowUp7
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where we always knew Marsha hated freeom.

[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_226.mp3|titles=Episode 226|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 226 – 2:02:42


Episode 197 – The Fourth Annual Ramjack 9/11 Pageant: A Cliched Jingoistic Scream From Planet Earth’s Greatest Nation Wrapped In Fetishistic Nationalism As Baby Jesus Always Intended It.
| 12. September, 2014

Oh crap… What day is it? No no no no no. It was Thursday? Fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck. We forgot. Damn it. Just plum forgot about it.

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Call: 206-339-5894
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where we never forget… except sometimes.

[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_197.mp3|titles=Episode 197|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 197 – 1:09:06


Episode 183 – Ramjack and the Timid Tune of the Mangled Balladeer
| 16. May, 2014

Alex runs down the animals that want to kill us. Emo Teen Jeezo is getting ready for his CW premiere. Brad preps for another classic from 5&2. We play a game of Giving Advice:THE GAME from the dilapidated pit of Yahoo!Answers. Mr. Belvedere 5×01 ‘Fat Cats’ is pure insanity as George and Belvedere go to a wacky fat camp and the rest of the family elaborately murders a cat.

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Call: 206-339-5894
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where we all feel sleepy in day.

[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_183.mp3|titles=Episode 183|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 183 – 1:40:40


Episode 151 – The Third Annual Ramjack 9/11 Pageant: A Cliched Jingoistic Scream from Planet Earth’s Greatest Nation Wrapped in Fetishistic Nationalism as Baby Jesus Always Intended It.
| 12. September, 2013

Did you think we forgot? Never. We discuss September 11th fan fiction, Brad remembers doing a 9/11 themed comedy improv show for children in early 2002, Jon Pernisek plays the most depressing trivia game ever, and Lora Wimsatt is inspired by the anniversary to finally realize her life’s ambition.

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Call: 206-339-5894
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Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where no one pretends dogs are heroes… or soldiers for that matter. (Except Chelsea Manning obv.)

[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_151.mp3|titles=Episode 151|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 151 – 1:07:18

Episode 150 – Ramjack – Out of the Readasarus Backlash: Darkness Ensues
| 6. September, 2013

It’s an episode 150 super celebration! We learn the importance of discussing our secret family values, there’s a new superhero in Japan and he’s inspired us to recruit the greatest team of superheroes ever created, an old friend returns for vengeance, and Lora Wimsatt has no clue how airplanes or Lost and Found works. Mr. Belvedere gets creepy and sexist and we finish the first season of Perfect Strangers.

Visit Our Website:
Call: 206-339-5894
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where our news team brings Justice to Cookies.

[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_150.mp3|titles=Episode 150|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 150 – 2:31:26

The Second Annual Ramjack 9/11 Pageant: A Cliched Jingoistic Scream from Planet Earth’s Greatest Nation Wrapped in Fetishistic Nationalism as Baby Jesus Always Intended It
| 16. September, 2012

It looks like we forgot.. or maybe that’s what THEY want you to think.

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PO BOX 721841
Newport, KY 41072-1841

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It’s a great place for not forgetting together.

Listen to Episode – 0:18:08

Episode 82 – Cranberry Capers: A Ramjack Holiday Heist
| 4. December, 2011

Happy Holidays! If you like dog shows, THIS EPISODE IS FOR YOU. We give our Thanksgiving sports reports, Check in with Claire, and join World’s Greatest Human Elizabeth Berkley and the Christmas Creep in the epic Hallmark Movie “Lucky Christmas”. We are riveted by the National Dog Show and all of it’s awesomeness. Hot New Movies are pitched and vocabulary lessons are taught. Our Black Friday bargain adventures and missed connections are chronicled as well.
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Listen to Episode 82 – 1:55:44

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