We are back in action… and this time we’re serious! Learn some terrifying Animal Facts from the Tower of London, Sports Facts abound from and Brad begins his improv correspondence course. George Washington’s Mother is an insufferable bitch, Martha Washington has an intrepid spirit, but Black Jack takes the cake! Kim Jong Un has a grip of super powers but he’s slacking on his language study. Mr. Belvedere is throwing some revolutionary game and The Saved by the Bell Kids learn a valuable lesson about not being shitty liars. Also we receive super awesome Solstice Gifts!!
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Or we will call and threaten your children as Santa Claus, like crazed psychopaths
Alexander Green, Alf-yo, Always lie, ALWAYS SCREEN YOUR CALLS, Amateur Hour, Animal Facts, Animal Hoarding, apes will kill you, Bed full of Snakes, Belvedere has some shifty game, Birds beat God, Black Jack, Black Jack Custis, boldness always, Brad Cupples, Captain Jack Harkness, Cough Syrup to Beer Ratio, Cyclones, Daniel Parke Custis, Doctor Rook Avian Physician, Doctor Who, Don't touch people's pillows, Education First, Exploding Frogs, final adam 5nal Adam Destination 3D, Game Face, Garbage Pail Kids, George is a perv, George Washington, Getting Mr. Belvedere Layed, Hockey Fights, Improv Correspondence Class, Incest, James VI of Scotland, John Custis, Jonathon Pernisek, Kim Jong Un, King James I of England, laser-like precision, Learn to lie better, Lion Cubs, lion nipple contraption aparatus, Lottery Because You are that Desperate!, Love in a love con, Mary Ball Washington is a cunt, Medical School is for the Birds, Mr. Belvedere, Mrs. Winners, My Mother is a terrible human, Nature will kill you, Nobody likes a Turtle, Old School OR New School, Orphanage Hours, Polar Bear, Punched in the nose like a chump, PZ Cakes, Ramjack Freedom militia, Royal Animal Hoarders, Saved by the Bell, Sky Clone Friend of He Man and Master Hockey Player, snakes will shiv you in the night, Sports Facts, Sprinkles, Take off the damn jacket Tori, The Atrocities of the American Revolution, The Healthcare system in America is a mad max thunderdome battle for survival, Threatening Strangers Children and Lying to them, throw some sprinkles and tell her she's ugly, Tori Universe, Tower of London, Two Santa Clauses call and threaten you, Wesley T is the Master, Wesley T. Owen: Picture of a Serial Killer, Wesley T. will cut off your eyelids