Stepping off the port bow Brad and Alex are here to deliver all the important knowledge you need. Russian bears are out of control and need an intervention. Bee’s make terrible leaders and worse children. We continue our March Madness breakdowns. Mr. Belvedere teaches us Marcia is a cold uncaring bitch that loathes her family and Saved by the Bell: The College years explores stalking, hallucinations, and bizarre fashion choices.
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A Week To Wheaties, A Wolverine can't peel an Orange, Acting, Alex has anglo-angled feet, Baby, Because I Loathe Bananas!, Bed Bug Panic Attack, Bee's are the Kelly Kapowski of the insect world, Birds are drinking milk, Brad doesn't know his Russian Bears, Brad has an extra wide Native American Foot, Burn it all down, Bussing, Cardinals, Champions, Cheese, Cheryl is a whore and a terrible florist also her lasagna is TERRIBLE. Fuck that bitch, Chris Hansen, Citrus in the snout, Denim Panic attack, Don't you dare eat that fucking nightmare pancake and murder juice, Fashion Backward, fashion forward, Formula for a perfect smile, Fozzie Bear is an alcoholic, Frank Sinatra was able to bang tons of ladies thanks to Wheaties, Heroes, Hey Marcia maybe get an abortion?, In the 80's kids were given free reign of the world, Integration, It's a bird it's a plane it's superman, It's good to forget sometimes, Jay Leno Generation, Jeykll and Hyde, Lasky Lapse, Leslie Romney dresses like an Arizona pottery lesbian, March Madness, Marcia grew a mullet on top of her hair, Mike Wall of Acting, Money Shots, Mr. Belvedere, New Pit, No child of mine will be a goddamn Bee, Oh No Babies!, Orange, Order of the British Empire, OTR, Petition to send Robin Williams to Russia, Port Bow: A fragrance by Ramjack, Professor Lasky doesn't have a daughter, racism, Royal Body Ready (RBR), Russia is like spring break for bears, Russian Bears, Saved by the Bell The College Years, science pants, Screech is a murderer, Shockers, Slater needs glasses, Sports Facts, Stay out of people's fucking underwear drawer, Stop lying to your kids, Take a step back... but look forward, Teacher's Pet, The terror counting game, The worst thing, They didn't have Coke Zero in 1943... they didn't have ANYTHING, To Catch A Predator, Trust your staples!, Tweet Mr. Belvedere Contest, Vladmir Putin, Wesley T. is playing by 'The Wizard' rules, White Flight, Why are there jet fuel containers, Wolverines, You're gonna blow Frankie or get your kneecaps broken, Zach's forgotten Hawaiian Family