Lent: It’s back and it’s idiotic. China is being invaded South Korean soap operas. Jonathon reveals the shocking secret of how Lora Wimsatt spends her free time. Flash fiction is garbage. In the Perfect Strangers episode ‘Falling in Love is…’ hair and fashion go out of control in a battle for worst dressed.
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[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_175.mp3|titles=Episode 175|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 175 – 2:27:56
A delicious recipe for success, Adrian, Alexander Green, Ash, Ash Wednesday, Atheist, Balki Bartokomous, Banana Flakes, Bonanza, Brad and Alex have made sacrifices for women, Brad Cupples, Buy the whole pig, Catholocism, China, Cooking Metaphors, Crossroads, Death Fiction, Facebook, Falling in Love is..., fan-fiction, Fashion Backwards, Faux-Jeezos, Feldman Scenarios, Fish Fry, Fried Chicken and Beer, Get Out of My House!, Her, Hop Sing, Hulu, I edited out all of my coughing... which makes Jonathon sound especially vindictive/crazed for calling out my coughing, Insincere sincerity, Japan, Jeezo Alex, Jeezos, Jennifer Lyons, Jesus was not real, Jon Pernisek, Larry Appleton, Lent, Lora Wimsatt, Mermaids, Mr. Belvedere, My Furry Furry Friend ...Where have you Gone Today?, My love from the stars, Mysterious Biker Card, No Deposit No Return, Pasta Poster, Pleasantries, Pokemon, Pokémon the Movie: Black—Victini and Reshiram, Ponderosa, Port Chuck, Purrloin, Rumspringa and Verisimilitude, Sacrifice is gross, Skeptic, South Korea, Splash Splash My Lover Forever: Into The Ocean We Go; Lover Forever - Black Moonlit Night, Starbucks Christianity, That's not how notes work, The sacrifice of Jesus was not by any definition a sacrifice, They don't want you, Ummm Lora are you OK?, We need twenty middle-aged white guys!, Why are taking part in antiquated completely religious traditions in your otherwise secular life?