A Podcast for Heroes and Bravehearts

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Episode 312 – Succulents of the Night Wolves: A Ramjack Campfire Tale
| 26. April, 2017

This exciting ep is chock full of games, shenanigans, and fun. Tammy and Dan relate the woeful tale of the Salad Monster. We battle wits with the Bing Translator and attempt to unravel the works of Nicholas Cage and John Cusack. The Golden Girls 3×06 “Letter To Gorbachev” is a delightful romp from a far off time when medicare needed to be defended, threat of nuclear war was ever-present, and the President was a washed up celebrity turned right-wing lunatic.

Voice Mail: (979) 476-9877 or (979) GrowUp7
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where Life is a son, my child, as a driver, he becomes a dead dog cursed not in hell, he never saw him.

[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_312.mp3|titles=Episode 312|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 312 – 01:51:38


Episode 310 – Circle of the Space Mennonites: A Ramjack Ambush
| 5. April, 2017

Brad sees everyone’s favorite 80’s band of unfortunate looking weirdos Night Ranger and avoids snatching any dogs for the moment. Tammy checks in with an old friend and his latest complete waste of time. Dan has important food news from Japan and tales of real estate. Punky Brewster 1×08 “Go To Sleep” and “A Visit to the Doctor” give us a glimpse into the luxurious and superstitious life of Henry Warnimont.

Voice Mail: (979) 476-9877 or (979) GrowUp7
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where remembering the lyrics is always optional.

[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_310.mp3|titles=Episode 310|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 310 – 02:16:49


Episode 227 – Imposed Melancholy: Ramjack and the Tragedy of the Enlightened Mooncalf
| 4. June, 2015

By Hammurabi’s code, I can not swear strongly enough that this is a great episode you will love. After spending a little while trying to use Facebook like a couple of geriatric assholes, we learn about crying and lying. Apparently everyone on the planet forgot the last 14 years and somehow allowed Judith Fucking Miller to comment on Seymour Hersch’s bin Laden article. We discuss 227 1×21 “Pick Six”. It is delightful.

Voice Mail: (979) 476-9877 or (979) GrowUp7
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where we will not ever lie to you.

[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_227.mp3|titles=Episode 227|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 227 – 2:37:49


Episode 175 – Annoyance Unleashed: Ramjack and the Codex of Less Than Slanderous Accusations
| 21. March, 2014

Lent: It’s back and it’s idiotic. China is being invaded South Korean soap operas. Jonathon reveals the shocking secret of how Lora Wimsatt spends her free time. Flash fiction is garbage. In the Perfect Strangers episode ‘Falling in Love is…’ hair and fashion go out of control in a battle for worst dressed.

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Call: 206-339-5894
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Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where the people of the vale or veiled in a veil purloined from purrloin.

[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_175.mp3|titles=Episode 175|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 175 – 2:27:56

Episode 174 – Ramjack and the Worries of the Screaming Seer of Destiny and Cappuccinos
| 16. March, 2014

Cat cafes are gross, thanks a lot Japan. Ambush weddings are a thing. Scientist are giving flies boners with laser light shows. Alex tries to half-heartedly defend Best Original Screenplay/Fun Ride ‘Her’. We Discuss the Mr. Belvedere Episode ‘The Apartment.’

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Where no one is going to use lasers to ruin your picnic.

[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_174.mp3|titles=Episode 174|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 174 – 1:30:52

Episode 171 – Ramjack and the Academy of the Craven Lurkers
| 15. February, 2014

Jonathon is calling people out and putting them on notice. Alex has followed the clues to discover the most hilarious number of Japanese hamburgers. Everyone’s favorite barely-lucid-small-town wordsmith stumbles through a hazy fog of life. We enshrine another episode of Mr. Belvedere into the pantheon of panic.

Visit Our Website:
Call: 206-339-5894
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where careers in nursing are never openly mocked.

[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_171.mp3|titles=Episode 171|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 171 – 2:16:20

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