Check out this yuk yuk packed episode: Indonesian moms are up to no good. Alex reports in on the latest trend with Japanese school girls that he’s been carefully monitoring from acrosst the globe. Brad relates the unrelenting bleakness of the last few months. Whoopsie-daisy Superman made a bit of a goof. We read another Jeezo Fwd.
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5 & 2, Absolute Bleakness, Acrosst, Albert Einstein, Alex making as much noise as humanly possible in a wacky Jerry Lewis-like fashion, Alexander Green, anna martinez, Atheism, Audrey Hepburn, Baby BJ Pedo Rabbis, Bed Dramz, BMI, Box Springs Geometry VS Willpower, Brad Cupples, Breaking News: According to the Internet Japanese School Girls Love Having Cream All Over Their Face, Check under 'H' for Hot in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Chomping at the bit... Literally, Chubby Checker, Chubby Checker 2.0 Indonesian style, Circumcision Superstition, Corsair the Starjammer Space Pirate, Courtroom Dramz, Craigslist, Craigslist is the worst, Cream Puff Party, Creampuffing, Creepo Newport Redneck Rivalry, Cutting Culture, Deepfryed salt covered in cheese #America, Don't keep your money in less than reputable banking institutions, Evan's Grandma, Everyone is a goddamn liar, Evolution, Fuck Nationalism, Fuck that goddamn lying bitch librarian, Galaxy Chocolate, God verses Science - ACLU vs Christians, Hey Trevor --you are the worst, Hobbit Closet, Honesty, House of Cards, I don't care about your casual lies, Indonesian Teenser Pricks, Injustice: Gods Among Us, Inspirational quotes on Facebook are the worst, It was easier for the pope to be a Nazi than to be the unquestioned representative to a magical sky god that doesn't exist, It's apparently impossible to get cardboard boxes in this day and age, It's tough being a kid, Jeezo!, Library Mayonnaise, Moby Dick, Most parents are awful, Murdering a child because his penis is too small, Passive Aggressive Storage Unit Woman, People don't understand water, People need to learn how food works, Potatoes aren't vegetables dawg, Proving the existence of the god through semantics AKA not proving the existence of god, Ramjack Nights Network, Saved by the Bell Comic Book, Schadenfreude Flooding, Science is a method, Sexy Times Reference Section, Space Dawg, Super heat... mega heat... white heat... Red Heat – starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jim Belushi, Super shifty lying cunt landlord, Superman, Superman Red Son, Surprise! Chubby Checker is still alive, Talking Snakes and Rainbows, Terrifyingly Huge Vehicles, The Corsairs Gay Pride Parade, The entirety of everything we know about modern biology is based on evolution, The least honest cities, The most honest cities, The Phantom Defecator, THE PROFESSOR SITS DOWN, The Ten Commandments, These cats are the grossest, Time Changer, Too many pies bungle burglary, Uhaul Sitcom, Vanilla Villiage, Want to trade a PS3 for a broken laptop? I will see him dead!, Water isn't magical, We talk a lot about Super Hero Boners... weird, What is under that woman's hat?, Why is this admitted child murder going out on dates?, Yes cold is a thing you fucking idiot, You can't lie about your ideas