Alex has got Animal Facts and Female Fantasy Facts. Brad is fighting internet scrapes. There’s an old woman in New York that is a professional panic attack instigator. We discuss the ongoing pie war of 2012… that no one knows and/or cares about. Hilariously crazy internet dramz leads to a discussion of art by sensible educated people that aren’t fucking idiots. George catches up with a really old flame and we finally dip into the pilot episode of Saved by the Bell: The College Years.
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Acting, Alex picks up chicks by talking about having sexual congress with a steak, Alex would have been expelled from college if we did this podcast back then, Alexander Green, Angering Pernisek with Balloons, Animal Facts, Another one down!, Art, Art CAN'T be anything, Awkward Robbie Zack Morris, Belvedere blows up George's spot, Birds of the land, Brad Cupples, California College University School, Cheating: Better or Worse than Genocide, cipheron 7000, Cockblocking Belvedere, Crazy internet people are HILLARIOUS, crowning the prom queen, dance walking, David Lynch is a crazy person, Deconstructionism run amok, Despondos, Disease laden shag carpet and pillows of effluvium, Dolphins of the land, Dolphins of the sky, Dorm living, Dungeons and Dragons nerds are always getting laid, Eighty-three year old ladies watching you masturbate, Elena Lyons, Essense Atkins, Filing non-profit tax status in the bedroom, Fools Gold, Fuck Roger Ebert, Ghost Bike, Ghost Teddy for President, Idiots, Inland Empire, Inland Empire is a long boring failure that makes no statement whatsoever, Internet Dramz, Jesus loves New York... except when he sends hurricanes and Taliban to wreck shit, Kelly has no future, lamest pie war, Maintenance Man Murderer, Marcia leaves her husband to fuck Robert Goulet in Atlantic City, Mike 'Wall of Acting' Rogers, Mr. Belverdere, My opinions magically become law, No one has listened to a radio in nearly a decade, Noise Polution for Jeezo, over-analyzation past the point of usefullness needs to be stopped, panic attack, Process, Pumpkin Pie isn't worth fighting for, racism, Random assorted Dildos littering the ground, Ravishing Steaks, Republicans are now officially pretending to not be racists, Reunion, Risky Business, Sad Angela, Sad people working their highschool part time jobs as grown ass adults, Saved by the Bell The College Years, Sexism, Side Corner Chain Pony, Skyrim, Stop pretending that you understand art when you are a goddamn pretensious douche that is too fucking stupid to know the difference between good and bad, Student union pick-up joint, Super Smart Cockatoo, Superb Fairy Wren, Supreme Court in the front Paralegal in the back, Talking about dresses, The 'Most-Nicest-Peepers' and 'Oh-Manzies-Jeepers' Spinning-Jenny of 1924, The Big Guy Upstairs 2016, The goof of 56, Tom Cruise is the worst, Top Female Fantasies, Trying to forget that dudes are the worst, Twin Peaks, Vaginal Show and Tell, WORST ROOM EVER, Wrestling as a Metaphor, X-Files