Alex tries to kill Brad. He survives and declares himself arbiter of all that is right and wrong. People are using shopping carts wrong. We grab our black diamonds and tune into the far future with shocking accuracy. We delve into the second chapter of some epic inter-dimensional fanfiction. Belvedere proves Marcia is a terrible student and a worse mother and the kids on Saved by The Bell get class rings and make hugely questionable plans of action.
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It’s the black diamond of the Internet!
We’re celebrating our 2 year anniversary! Alex has a big time superstar celebrity sighting. He also reports in on other people’s dessert. Jonathon discovers krazy kommercialz at the gym. Brad (unlike some people) get’s over his nerves to accomplish his many goals only to be thwarted by dummies at an overpriced film. We enjoy a Dramatic Reading from Ben Stein’s overly privileged and condescending diary. If you’re a Transforming robot put on your favorite cape and listen to our fun!
Shifty Swiss Mailmen, Swedish Chicks Rape Men, Smart artists less likely to be Schizos While Idiots go nuts, Organic Popcorn sucks, Scott Baio and Willie Ames run amok in the 80’s romp Zapped! + Situation Room AND Mr.Pernisek Returns. That’s value for your podcasting dollar!