A Podcast for Heroes and Bravehearts

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Episode 256 – Yarn Satchel Suicide: The Frantic Folk Art of Ramjack
| 15. February, 2016

Welcome friends and associates, this episode is chock full of tomfoolery and exciting action features. Brad is meeting monsters left and right and Alex teaches us about the hottest trends on facebook according to a very questionable quiz. We attempt to help Applebee’s get their shit together and take part in the most powerful book battle in the universe (from the largest book in the universe).

Voice Mail: (979) 476-9877 or (979) GrowUp7
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

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Where scaring cattle into destroying crops is the quickest way to defeating your enemy.

[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_256.mp3|titles=Episode 256|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 256 – 01:57:50


Episode 210 – Wisk til Stiff Peaks Kill: The Recipe for Ramjack
| 15. January, 2015

News you can use: nature can make you lose your appetite and apes are not vampires. Advice is given to some lame-o nerds. We get a high seas report from Jon Pernisek about boat bullies and scary scooterbitches. And a new character enters the cast of Mr. Belvedere and our hearts.

Visit Our Website:
Voice Mail: (979) 476-9877 or (979) GrowUp7
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ramjackpodcast

Join the Facebook Group!
Where boat bullies are not allowed.

[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_210.mp3|titles=Episode 210|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 210 – 2:14:49


Kiss of the Mantis: Ramjack the Incorrigible – Episode 39
| 10. October, 2010

We start gearing up for the Halloween Season with the terror that is cheese in the wild plus bacteria and parasite infested water sources, A super-freaky freak accident. Christine O’Donnell = crazy, 13yr old toddlers face 9/11 style terror attacks, Bump will kill us all if the lack of hand-washing doesn’t. Master of Disguise and Birdhouses Terry O’Quinn kills some fams in “The Stepfather”, The Situation room unleashes a spirit of vengeance as well as an Apple Bobbin’ Massacre. Plus the Enigmaster threatens our well-being with his quarrelsome conundrums and cruel queries. Are we affraid? No way, Jose!

Listen to Episode 39 – 1:12:34

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