Grab your hot cocoa and a hot dog it’s Xmas in July! When we promise something 57 episodes ago we deliver it… Eventually. In this Holiday-a-palooza we finally break down and discuss “Santa Claus: The Movie”, the story of a satanic bargain gone awry, and venture into an even darker realm with “Christmas with a Capital ‘C'” A Christian holiday movie where we are meant to root for the Christians as they subvert law, human decency, and basic reasoning just to maintain a stranglehold on a dying Alaskan community.
We also enjoy another battle of “Friendship versus the Bing Translator”, a game of skill, awareness, and context clues!
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It’s our epic rundown of the Summer Movies of 2010 with special in-studio guest Jon Pernisek. No stone is left unturned as we break it down week by week. Who gave the go ahead to Charlie St. Cloud? Did “Babies” give you a panic attack? Who were the assholes that went to see “Grown-ups”? Let us know. Come forth and witness what will surely be the birth of the Marmacast!
Enjoy it with your ears, your hearts, and your mind-hole.