Open your minds and ears this all-new, all-different, all-unsimilar-to-things-that-it-is-not-similar-to episode of the podcast. We discuss some questionable new tech from CES and some popular new literature in “How Does It End?” Mr. Belvedere 6×04 “Big” has all of the fashions. All of them.
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Where we all agree that Deanna Troi was a weird addition to The A-Team.
[audio:|titles=Episode 254|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 254 – 2:19:11
Alexander Green, All the fringe, America, Annoying, Atheist, B.A. Baracus, Believable, belty, Brad Cupples, Calling Cards, CES 2016,, charity race, Crown and Hamburers or I burn that shit down, Dazzler, Deanna Troi, Despondos, Duckberg, dumb belt, everyone starts shooting, Faceman, fingernail printer, Fun and results, George W. Bush, goodreads, Hannibal, Howling Mad Murdock, Incest, Intel, Jughead, Jughead Jones, Lenny, lists, Lt. Barclay, Mappy-Land, Marjorie: Best Dressed, Marsha looks like something out of a comic book, Marsha never wanted children, Marsha Owens: Worst Dressed, Michael Jackson, Mood wings, Moose, Mr. Belvedere, NES, Netflix, Nightmare on Elm St. The Love that Split the World, Opportunity, Paula Poundstone, pit pat for your pet, science, Seth Green, Sexism, Sexy, Sincere, Skeptic, slut shaming, smart belt, Squeezemberg, Starring into the blindspot, Steven Segal, Steven Segal: Winner, the kissing rouge, The United States, This is where it ends, Top 5 most edited wikipedia articles, Trustworthy, Truthwitch, Victorians where cheezy creeps, welt, Wesley T. Owens: Loser, Wikipedia, WWE