Brad has has witnessed a questionable human experience involving deodorant. Alex is living in an old timey internet void. We find out which Archie characters we are and try to find out if American Hero Richard Simmons is being held hostage.
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Where we use deodorant properly.
[audio:|titles=Episode 269|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 269 – 02:26:12
Alexander Green, Archie, Atheist, Books, Brad Cupples,, Comedy, Deodorant is not for your face, Digital Literature, How Does It End?, Lex Luthor, Literature, Orlando, Questionable Human Experiences, Quiz, Richard Simmons is a National Treasure, science, Skeptic, Text Message Stories, There has to be a better word than Flamboyant that doesn't carry the baggage and connotation but alas we didnt have it at time of recording, Time Warner Cable Transcribed Dungeons and Dragons, Tourist Areas