A Podcast for Heroes and Bravehearts

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Episode 186 – Egg on the Face of Ramjack: A Fremdschämen Fable
| 7. June, 2014

Get your flashlights out we’ve got monster stories and more difficult queries in Giving Advice: THE GAME. Some assholes are trying to send religious texts to the moon and the army is trying to shame it’s fat murderers. It’s Yule time on Perfect Strangers as we discuss 2×11 ‘A Christmas Story’ We conquer a mountain of voicemails and Alex offers to hand deliver a poster for anyone willing to put up a Ramjack billboard.

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[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_186.mp3|titles=Episode 186|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 186 – 2:16:24


Episode 71 – Absolute Tyranny: The Concord of Ramjack
| 1. September, 2011

Ta da! A new episode of Ramjack in which we finally discuss Tommy Wiseau’s “The Room.” And it might be the greatest film ever made… if you like awkward sex scenes, nearly unintelligible bad dialogue and losing your grip on reality. We start planning for the My Strange Addiction Picnic and unleash rage against long dead American Presidents that might or might not be listening to the show. Mr. Belvedere gives a dark look into the psyche of a geriatric racist homophobe clansman and his struggle to remember how old he is through the fog of dementia. Alex reveals his own hostile anti-midget bigotry and we see Mr. Belvedere in an extremely compromising situation.
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Listen to Episode 71 – 1:43:38

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