A Podcast for Heroes and Bravehearts

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Episode 224 – Upholstered Uprising: Ramjack and the Chair of Tomorrow
| 10. May, 2015

Stop groovin’ to “Krakow Ghetto – Winter ’41” and listen to this exciting episode of Ramjack! We discuss Alex’s favorite show “Undercover Boss” and the Sci-Ti documentary “Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief” Brad has a monster sighting as we move towards April Anarchy. Alex brings some musical science facts. We give some advice to Mormons and nerdlingers looking for love. Perfect Strangers 3×04 “Taking Stock” teaches us a valuable lesson in Corporate Ethics and Reganomic Pipe Dreams.

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[audio:http://ramjackpodcast.com/Episodes/Ramjack_224.mp3|titles=Episode 224|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 224 – 2:07:05


Episode 73 – Ice Viking Victory: The Battle of Ramjack
| 18. September, 2011

Do you know the difference between love and lust? Spoilers: You probably don’t. Luckily Pinterest is here to teach us how to open our hearts and get off of each other’s hair so as to have a happy, healthy, joyless, soul-crushing relationship. Sleep easy knowing that the common everyman yokel is getting ready for zombies with a supply of mom-jeans and canned peaches. The Christmas creep has been spotted and no amount of science can stop his quest to conquer the calender. Do you hate homeless people? Then you’ll love Mr. Belvedere. All hands look out below, There’s a change in the status quo, and Mr. Belvedere is on notice.
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Listen to Episode 73 – 1:13:44

High Flying Ramjack: An Adventure Story in the Air – Episode 20
| 15. November, 2009

Blockbuster is banking on magic to save them, sadly magic is out. Peter Cottontail has a cock on his back… a cock for science! A deranged Martha Stewart becomes our Celebrity Project Child of the month. Brad watches Inglorious Bastards and Venture Bros. And Alex watches his lady shows Gossip Girl and 90210. And who’s conning who in the 1990 Dana Carvey masterpiece Opportunity Knocks. Beware the Christmas Creep Bitches. The Podcast is free for the listening, try my product PLEASE!

Listen to Episode 20 – 1:53:30

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