Podcast pressure and bamboozlement results in an open affirmation on the divinity of Sutekh. He is Risen! The Teddy and Kermit update is here, and it is amazing! Grab your favorite canine companion and join us on an Amazon Jungle Adventure. Some nerdo gamer parents are being the worst. We put Mr. Belvedere on notice, but will he earn his way back into our good graces? Join us as we witness Heather and Kevin getting closer than brother and sister should. Meanwhile Marcia is coming to terms with the fact she hates her family and her life, as we have been guessing all along.
Spoiler Alert: George continues to be the worst.
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And make your nominations for World’s Greatest Human 2011!
Prepare yourself for radness! Brad gives his summer reading list update. Spoilers: Teddy and Kermit are off on some capers and caprices of their own and the economy is going to collapse again. There’s some not-so-surprising news from Jackson TN and a discussion of how lame Casey Jones Village is. Alex has been to Chicago and almost got attacked by a decepticon whilst ignoring foxy scavengers on his way to hip happening mustache parties. We ask for your help with Brad’s new northern career goals. We kick off our grand Mr. Belvedere rewatch in epic style and a slew of questions. Which member of the Owen family is the most disturbed? When will Mr. Belvedere kill again? What’s his angle? Where the hell did he come from? How old is Bob Uecker? What have they been teaching these creepo masochistic children? Where did Mr. Belvedere get that hamster from? Isn’t eight years old a little too young for hot-tubing?
But seriously, When is Belvedere going to kill again?
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All the cool kids are doing it. Trust.
We give the box office rundown on Arthur, Hanna, Rango, Your Highness, and the horrifically sexist piece of crap “Sucker Punch”. Jonathon introduces us to a Super Creepo-Asleepo-Jeezo… it makes us weep-o.
The stray river cat invasion of 2011 continues and this time it’s personal. We also take a few minutes to examine some amazing advice from Cosmopolitan which gives us a panic attack.
And the amazing giveaway contest continues!