Friends, this is a jam-packed episode of fun for the whole family. Brad reports in on Pencil-Gate 2011, a shocking tale of copyright violation and misdemeanor flaunted in the eye of the unprepared literati, Jon takes pleasure in foisting upon us his belated Birthday pick: The Apple. After recovering from the terror of a biblical allegory dystopian disco-era musical we take in an extremely eventful episode of Belvedere and Saved by the Bell gives us a clear picture of the early stages of a serial killer. We also take time to answer feedback, recommend podcasts, and question the actions of a woman who dared to refuse cake.
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Watch Pencil-Gate in Progress!
Happy Halloween Friends! On this special spooktacular we get frightened by the terror of The Garbage Pail Kids Movie, learn how to love again, thanks to a special gal named Tangerine, and launch the Ramjack Multi-Million Challenge! Alex goes undercover as a creepo sleezo Jeezo and Brad hits up Paranormal Activity 3 and The Three Muskateers. Belvedere takes an apathetic journey down memory lane as George and Marcia pretend to care about each other. The Saved by the Bell Universe is forever shattered with the arrival of Tori, causing a rift may never be repaired.
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