It’s a new ep for a new year! Brad has seen “The Babadook” and Alex is on the lookout for Werewolves and new animal-themed cafes. We tell a lot of people to grow up and shut up and learn some shocking facts about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The Perfect Strangers two-part “Snow Way to Treat a Lady” exposes us to questionable tunneling techniques and even more questionable sweaters.
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[audio:|titles=Episode 209|artists=Ramjack]
Listen to Episode 209 – 2:01:55
Friends, this is a jam-packed episode of fun for the whole family. Brad reports in on Pencil-Gate 2011, a shocking tale of copyright violation and misdemeanor flaunted in the eye of the unprepared literati, Jon takes pleasure in foisting upon us his belated Birthday pick: The Apple. After recovering from the terror of a biblical allegory dystopian disco-era musical we take in an extremely eventful episode of Belvedere and Saved by the Bell gives us a clear picture of the early stages of a serial killer. We also take time to answer feedback, recommend podcasts, and question the actions of a woman who dared to refuse cake.
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